Thursday, May 31, 2007

Miscarriage (abortion?) of Justice

Below is a copy of the email I just sent to the Minnesota chapter of the ACLU. As mentioned in my request for assistance, I believe many American citizens will be happy to join in this cause and it may qualify for Class Action status. Please email me if you are interested in joining the Class. It will help to have a preliminary list ready when they contact me to begin discovery and other foundational work. Over the next few days I will be posting the precedents for bringing this action to the court system. If you have other examples to share with the Class and our ACLU provided legal team, please email them to me quickly as I am certain my counselor will want to begin investigations as soon as possible. Thanks!

Dear Sirs:

I am presently seeking legal counsel for a matter that affects many if not all citizens of the United States of America. I believe this issue will require a law suit to resolve and I am not in the most advantageous of financial situations at this time, thus my request for your assistance. Perhaps when it’s all said and done this should be considered for Class Action status; I am certain there are many American citizens who will agree this is a matter worthy of the attention of the legal system of this country.

With your organization’s record of righting wrongs no matter how obscure, unusual and baseless, I feel certain you are the people to involve in this matter.

It is my hope that, with the ACLU’s assistance, I can as an American citizen, force the American Civil Liberties Union to drop the “American” appellation from the organization’s name. It is my firm belief that at best, this appropriation of the name is a misnomer and at worst it is injuring the dignity, integrity and respect our country has earned and continues to earn as the most desirable country in the world in which to live.

It should be quite easy to show in a court of law that this organization has little if any claim or right to use the American-designation to further their agenda of continued subversion of the ideologies and sensibilities of most rational American citizens.

Please advise me on my next steps to take in obtaining assistance from your organization in pursuing this important and long-overdue legal course of action.


D. Scott Shultz

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