Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Inspiration 2, or Child's Play

My son is incredibly creative. He scrapbooks, primarily about our cat, Kitty. He draws and colors monsters. When he plays, he comes up with storylines that can bring smiles to his parents' faces.

He also can inspire my creativity. We love to build vehicles with Legos. About a year ago he came up with a way to make "Transformers" out of Legos using the hinged, swivel and folding parts (they come in special kits or special order them online). It was all his idea to make "Transformers", but here's what I came up with:

Another "former child" who inspires me is a friend's son, Chris Samnee who modified a going away greeting card for me when I left Missouri for Minnesota. He was a 10 or 11 year-old kid back then. Now he is an award-winning comic artist. Very inspiring. A few of his books.

1 comment:

wes said...

I think what most people here don't know is that Scott is also midway through a novel... I think the inspiration thing worked the other way around. ;0)

How could Andrew not be a brilliant writer / artist / engineer with the genetics and environment he's got?

He's doomed for the angst wridden life or the "creative type." ( It's a blessing not a curse. )